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1、<p>  毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译</p><p>  学院 (系): 电子电气工程学院 </p><p>  专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 </p><p>  姓 名: </p><p>  学 号

2、: 0702050106 </p><p>  外文出处: SIMATIC S7-200 </p><p>  附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 </p><p>  注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。</p><p>  附件1:外文资料翻译译文&l

3、t;/p><p>  进入程序段3 : 复位定时器 </p><p>  当计时值到达设定值(100),定时器触点会闭合, T33闭合会使M0.0置位。由于定时器是靠M0.0的常闭的触点启动的, M0.0的状态从(0)到 (1)会使定时器复位。</p><p>  输入触点T33的步骤如下 :</p><p>  1. 从位逻辑指示中选择常

4、开触点。</p><p>  2. 按住鼠标左键并且把触点拖到第三个程序段上。</p><p>  3. 点击在触点之上的“ ? ? ?”并输入定时器的位地址: T33</p><p>  4. 按回车键进入触点的地址。</p><p><b>  图2-9 网络3</b></p><p>  

5、输入线圈M0.0的步骤如下:</p><p>  1. 在位逻辑指令中选择输出线圈。</p><p>  2. 按住鼠标左键并且把输入线圈拖到在第三个程序段上。</p><p>  3. 双击在线圈之上的“ ? ? ?”然后输入下列地址: M0.0</p><p>  4. 按回车键确认。</p><p><b&

6、gt;  存储例子程序</b></p><p>  在输入完以上三个程序段后,您就已完成整个例子程序。 当您保存程序时,您创建了包括S7-200 CPU类型及其他参数在内的一个项目。 保存项目:</p><p>  1. 从菜单栏中选择菜单命令文件->另存为。</p><p>  图 2-10 保存程序</p><p> 

7、 2. 在“另存为”对话框中输入一个项目名。</p><p>  3. 点击“保存”以存储项目。</p><p>  保存项目后,您可下载程序到S7-200。</p><p><b>  下载例子程序</b></p><p><b>  提示:</b></p><p>  每

8、一个STEP7-- Micro/WIN项目都会有一个CPU类型(CPU 221, CPU 222, CPU 224, CPU 224XP或者CPU 226)。 如果您在项目中选择的CPU类型,与您实际连接的CPU类型不匹配,STEP7-- Micro/WIN会提示您并要您作出选择。 如果您在本例中遇到这种情况,可以选择“继续下载”。</p><p>  1. 您可以点击在工具栏上的下载图标或在命令菜单中选择文件

9、>下载来下载程序。 见图2-11。</p><p>  2.点击确定下载程序到S7-200。</p><p>  图2-11 下载程序</p><p>  如果您的S7-200处于运行模式,将有一个对话框提示您CPU将进入STOP模式。点击“是”将S7-200处于STOP模式。</p><p>  将S7-200转入RUN模式

10、 如果想通过STEP7-- Micro/WIN软件将S7-200 转入运行模式, S7-200的模式开关必须设为TERM或者RUN。 当S7-200处于RUN模式时, S7-200执行程序: </p><p>  1. 单击工具栏上的运行图标或在命令菜单中选择PLC >RUN。</p><p>  2. 点击“是”切换模式。</p><p>  当 S7-20

11、0转入运行模式后,CPU执行程序,此时Q0.0的输出LED灯时亮时灭。</p><p>  图 2-12 设置S7-200在运行方式</p><p>  祝贺您! 您完成了您的第一个S7-200程序。</p><p>  您可以通过选择调试>程序状态监测程序。</p><p>  STEP 7-- Micro/WIN显示指示的值。 要

12、想停止程序,可以单击STOP图标或选择菜单命令PLC >STOP将S7-200置于STOP模式。</p><p><b>  S7-200的安装</b></p><p>  S7-200的设计使其便于安装,可以利用安装孔把模块固定在控制柜的背板上,或者利用设备上的DIN夹子,把模块固定在一个标准(DIN)的导轨上。体积小巧的S7-200可以使您更为有效地安排空间

13、。</p><p><b>  警告!</b></p><p>  SIMATIC S7-200 PLC是开放型控制器。 它需要在外壳、机柜或者电气控制室中安装S7-200。 只有授权人员才能进入壳、机柜或者电气控制室。不遵循这些设施要求会导致人员死亡或重伤,和/或损伤设备。当安装S7-200 PLC时, 一定要遵循这些要求。</p><p>

14、  将S7-200与热源,高电压和电子噪音隔离开</p><p>  按照惯例,在安装元器件时,总是要把产生高压和高电子噪声的设备与诸如S7-200这样的低压逻辑类设备分离开。 在控制柜背板上安排S7-200时,应区分发热装置并把电子器件安排在控制柜中温度较低的区域内。电子设备在一个高温环境里操作会缩短其无故障时间。</p><p>  还要考虑面板中设备的布线。避免将低压信号线和

15、通信缆绳在与交流供电线和高能量、开关频率很高的直流线路布置在一个线槽中。</p><p>  为接线和散热留出充分空间</p><p>  S7-200设备的设计采用自然对流散热方式。在器件的上下提供至少25 mm的空间以便于正常的散热,前面板与背板的板间距离也应保持至少75 mm。</p><p><b>  警告!</b></p>

16、;<p>  对于垂直安装,允许的最高环境温度降低10摄氏度。S7-200 CPU应安装在所有扩展模块的下方。</p><p>  在安排S7-200设备时,应留出接线和连接通信电缆的足够空间。 当配置S7-200系统时,可以灵活的使用I/O扩展电缆。</p><p>  图3-1 安装方式、方向和间距</p><p><b>  电源定额

17、</b></p><p>  所有的 S7-200 CPU都有一个内部电源,为CPU自身、扩展模块和其他用电设备提供24 V直流电源。</p><p>  S7-200为系统中所有扩展模块提供5V直流逻辑电源。 必须格外注意您的系统配置,要确保CPU所提供的5V电源能够满足您所选择的所有扩展模块的需要。如果您的配置要求超出了CPU的供电能力,您只有去除一些模块或选择一个供电能力

18、更强的CPU。 参考附录A可得到有关S7-200 CPU、 5 V直流逻辑电源的供电能力以及扩展模块对5 V直流电源需求的信息。附录B给出了CPU所能为系统提供功率(电流)大小的计算方法。</p><p>  S7-200的所有 CPU也提供24 V直流传感器供电,此24V直流逻辑电源可以为输入点,为扩展模块上的继电器线圈或其他一些设备提供电能。 如果设备用电量超过了传感器供电定额,则您必须为系统另配一个外部24

19、 V直流电源。对于特定的S7-200 CPU,可以在附录A中查到其24 V直流传感器供电电源定额。</p><p>  如果您使用了外部24 V直流电源,保证电源没有与S7-200 CPU传感器电源并联。 为了加强电子噪声保护,建议将不同的电源的公共端(M)都连在一起。</p><p><b>  警告!</b></p><p>  如果外在2

20、4 V直流电源与S7-200的24 V传感器电源并联,每一路电源都试图建立自己的输出电压电平,从而导致两路电源冲突。</p><p>  这种冲突的结果可以是缩短电源自身寿命或一路或二路电源立即损坏,这样会使PLC系统产生一系列不确定的操作。 这种不确定的操作会导致人员死亡或重伤,和/或损伤设备。</p><p>  S7-200 直流传感器供电和所有外部供电应该分别给不同的点提供电源。&

21、lt;/p><p>  S7-200模块的安装和拆卸</p><p>  S7-200可以容易地安装在一个标准DIN路轨或控制柜背板上。</p><p><b>  必备条件</b></p><p>  在安装和拆卸任何电子设备前,必须保证这个设备的电源已经切断了。同样,也要确保与该设备相关联的设备的供电已被切断。</

22、p><p><b>  警告!</b></p><p>  试图在带点情况下安装或拆卸S7-200及其相关设备有可能导致触点或者设备误动作。</p><p>  安装或拆卸过程期间,如果未能断开S7-200和相关设备的所有电源,会造成死亡或者重伤,并且(或者)损坏设备。</p><p>  在安装和拆卸S7-200及其相关设

23、备时,必须预先采取适当的安全措施并且确认S7-200的供电被切断。</p><p>  在更换或者安装S7-200器件时,要确保使用了正确的模块或等同的模块。</p><p><b>  警告!</b></p><p>  如果您安装了不正确的模块,S7-200的程序可能会产生错误的功能。</p><p>  如果未能使

24、用相同的模块按照相同的方向和顺序替换S7-200的器件,有可能导致死亡或者严重的人身伤害和设备损坏。</p><p>  在更换S7-200的器件时,并除了要使用相同的模块外,还要确保安装的方向和位置是正确的。</p><p><b>  附件2:外文原文</b></p><p>  Entering Network 3: Resetting

25、the Timer</p><p>  When the timer reaches the preset value (100) and turns the timer bit on, the contact for T33 turns on. Power flow from this contact turns on the M0.0 memory location. Because the timer is

26、 enabled by a Normally Closed contact for M0.0, changing the state of M0.0 from off (0) to on (1) resets the timer.</p><p>  To enter the contact for the timer bit of T33:</p><p>  Figure 2-9

27、Network 3</p><p>  1. Select the Normally Open contact from the bit logic instructions.</p><p>  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the contact onto the third network.</p><

28、p>  3. Click on the “???” above the contact and enter the address of the timer bit: T33</p><p>  4. Press the Return key to enter the address for the contact. </p><p>  To enter the coil fo

29、r turning on M0.0:</p><p>  1. Select the output coil from the bit logic instructions.</p><p>  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the output coil onto the third network.</p>&

30、lt;p>  3. Double-click the “???” above the coil and enter the following address: M0.0</p><p>  4. Press the Return key to enter the address for the coil.</p><p>  Saving the Sample Project&

31、lt;/p><p>  After entering the three networks of instructions, you have finished entering the program. When you save the program, you create a project that includes the S7-200 CPU type and other parameters. To

32、save the project:</p><p>  1. Select the File > Save As menu command from the menu bar.</p><p>  2. Enter a name for the project in the Save As dialog box.</p><p>  3. Click

33、OK to save the project.</p><p>  Figure 2-10 Saving the Example Program</p><p>  After saving the project, you can download the program to the S7-200.</p><p>  Downloading the Samp

34、le Program</p><p><b>  Tip</b></p><p>  Each STEP 7-- Micro/WIN project is associated with a CPU type (CPU 221, CPU 222, CPU 224, CPU 224XP, or CPU 226). If the project type does not

35、 match the CPU to which you are connected, STEP 7-- Micro/WIN indicates a mismatch and prompts you to take an action. If this occurs, choose “Continue Download” for this example.</p><p>  1. Click the Downlo

36、ad icon on the toolbar or select the File > Download menu command to download the program. See Figure 2-11. </p><p>  2. Click OK to download the elements of the program to the S7-200.</p><p>

37、;  Figure 2-11 Downloading the Program</p><p>  Placing the S7-200 in RUN Mode</p><p>  For STEP 7-- Micro/WIN to place the S7-200 CPU in RUN mode, the mode switch of the S7-200 must be set to

38、TERM or RUN. When you place the S7-200 in RUN mode, the S7-200 executes the program:</p><p>  1.Click the RUN icon on the toolbar or select the PLC > RU menu command.</p><p>  2. Click OK to

39、change the operating mode of the S7-200.</p><p>  Figure 2-12 Placing the S7-200 in RUN Mode</p><p>  When the S7-200 goes to RUN mode, the output LED for Q0.0 turns on and off as the S7-200 ex

40、ecutes the program.</p><p>  Congratulations! You have just completed your first S7-200 program.</p><p>  You can monitor the program by selecting the Debug > Program Status menu command.<

41、;/p><p>  STEP 7-- Micro/WIN displays the values for the instructions. To stop the program, place the S7-200 in STOP mode by clicking the STOP icon or by selecting the PLC > STOP menu command.</p><

42、;p>  Guidelines for Installing S7-200 Devices</p><p>  You can install an S7-200 either on a panel or on a standard rail, and you can orient the S7-200 either horizontally or vertically.</p><p&

43、gt;<b>  Warning</b></p><p>  The SIMATIC S7-200 PLCs are Open Type Controllers. It is required that you install the S7-200 in a housing, cabinet, or electric control room. Entry to the housing, c

44、abinet, or electric control room should be limited to authorized personnel.</p><p>  Failure to follow these installation requirements could result in death or serious injury to personnel, and/or damage to e

45、quipment.</p><p>  Always follow these requirements when installing S7-200 PLCs.</p><p>  Separate the S7-200 Devices from Heat, High Voltage, and Electrical Noise</p><p>  As a gen

46、eral rule for laying out the devices of your system, always separate the devices that generate high voltage and high electrical noise from the low-voltage, logic-type devices such as the S7-200.</p><p>  Whe

47、n configuring the layout of the S7-200 inside your panel, consider the heat-generating devices and locate the electronic-type devices in the cooler areas of your cabinet. Operating any electronic device in a high-temper

48、ature environment will reduce the time to failure.</p><p>  Consider also the routing of the wiring for the devices in the panel. Avoid placing low voltage signal wires and communications cables in the sam

49、e tray with AC power wiring and high-energy, rapidly-switched DC wiring.</p><p>  Provide Adequate Clearance for Cooling and Wiring</p><p>  S7-200 devices are designed for natural convection c

50、ooling. For proper cooling, you must provide a clearance of at least 25 mm above and below the devices. Also, allow at least 75 mm of depth.</p><p><b>  Caution</b></p><p>  For vert

51、ical mounting, the maximum allowable ambient temperature is reduced by</p><p>  10 degrees C. Mount the S7-200 CPU below any expansion modules.</p><p>  When planning your layout for the S7-200

52、system, allow enough clearance for the wiring and communications cable connections. For additional flexibility in configuring the layout of the S7-200 system, use the I/O expansion cable.</p><p>  Figure 3-

53、1 Mounting Methods, Orientation, and Clearance</p><p>  Power Budget</p><p>  All S7-200 CPUs have an internal power supply that provides power for the CPU, the expansion modules, and other 24

54、VDC user power requirements.</p><p>  The S7-200 CPU provides the 5 VDC logic power needed for any expansion in your system. Pay careful attention to your system configuration to ensure that your CPU can sup

55、ply the 5V power required by your selected expansion modules. If your configuration requires more power than the CPU can supply, you must remove a module or select a CPU with more power capability. Refer to Appendix A fo

56、r information about the 5 VDC logic budget supplied by your S7-200 CPU and the</p><p>  5 VDC power requirements of the expansion modules. Use Appendix B as a guide for determining how much power (or current

57、) the CPU can provide for your configuration.</p><p>  All S7-200 CPUs also provide a 24 VDC sensor supply that can supply 24 VDC for input points, for relay coil power on the expansion modules, or for other

58、 requirements. If your power requirements exceed the budget of the sensor supply, then you must add an external 24 VDC power supply to your system. Refer to Appendix A for the 24 VDC sensor supply power budget for your p

59、articular S7-200 CPU.</p><p>  If you require an external 24 VDC power supply, ensure that the power supply is not connected in parallel with the sensor supply of the S7-200 CPU. For improved electrical nois

60、e protection, it is recommended that the commons (M) of the different power supplies be connected.</p><p><b>  Warning</b></p><p>  Connecting an external 24 VDC power supply in para

61、llel with the S7-200 24 VDC sensor supply can result in a conflict between the two supplies as each seeks to establish its own preferred output voltage level.</p><p>  The result of this conflict can be shor

62、tened lifetime or immediate failure of one or both power supplies, with consequent unpredictable operation of the PLC system. Unpredictable operation could result in death or serious injury to personnel, and/or damage to

63、 equipment.</p><p>  The S7-200 DC sensor supply and any external power supply should provide power to different points.</p><p>  Installing and Removing the S7-200 Modules</p><p> 

64、 The S7-200 can be easily installed on a standard DIN rail or on a panel.</p><p>  Prerequisites</p><p>  Before you install or remove any electrical device, ensure that the power to that equipm

65、ent has been turned off. Also, ensure that the power to any related equipment has been turned off.</p><p><b>  Warning</b></p><p>  Attempts to install or remove S7-200 or related eq

66、uipment with the power applied could cause electric shock or faulty operation of equipment.</p><p>  Failure to disable all power to the S7-200 and related equipment during installation or removal procedures

67、 could result in death or serious injury to personnel, and/or damage to equipment.</p><p>  Always follow appropriate safety precautions and ensure that power to the S7-200 is disabled before attempting to i

68、nstall or remove S7-200 CPUs or related equipment.</p><p>  Always ensure that whenever you replace or install an S7-200 device you use the correct module or equivalent device.</p><p><b> 

69、 Warning</b></p><p>  If you install an incorrect module, the program in the S7-200 could function unpredictably.</p><p>  Failure to replace an S7-200 device with the same model, orientat

70、ion, or order could result in death or serious injury to personnel, and/or damage to equipment.</p><p>  Replace an S7-200 device with the same model, and be sure to orient and position it correctly. </p&


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